Our Sitters are 100% WoofBnB verified

We know how hard it is for you to leave your pet in the care of friends or relatives. Our aim is to relieve you of this worry and keep your favorite pet happy when you are back. WoofBnB follows a well thought out sitter registration process. Only after these multiple rounds of online and personal checks, we make sitters available for you to opt for.

Our sitter verification process assesses sitter applicants thoroughly. We make sure that only true pet lovers are registered with us.

Step1: Online Application
This assessment is made to check the applicants comfort level and handling around pets. Applicants are asked to fill out a basic online form with their personal and house details along with their previous experience with pets.

Step 2: Background checks
Background checks are made to validate the information provided along with their knowledge in sitting pets.

Step 3: Detailing
We try to include as many pictures as possible for pet owners to evaluate sitters easily.

Step 4: House Checks
We carry out house checks to get to know the applicant and his surroundings better. We do a fine tooth check of the sitter’s home, open area for the pet to move around, food, hygiene and type of surroundings as they adversely the pets health and psychology. For eg: Pets get scared of loud music and noisy areas.

Step 5: Sitter Credentials
WoofBnB appoints sitters with a clean record and thoroughly verified government credentials.

Step 6: Reviews by previous pet owners
Based on the experience that previous pet owners have had with the sitter, we decide to accept the sitter’s application.

In the end we urge pet owners to keep a tab on the following parameters before opting for a sitter.

  1. Profile completeness
  2. The type of neighborhood
  3. Sitter credentials
  4. Response rate
  5. User reviews
  6. House check and personal assessment completion

Meet and Greet
This is an optional assessment made available for pet owners to meet the sitters prior to leaving their pets with them. It is advisable that all pet owners opt for Meet and Greet service, in order to make sure you and the sitter get along well. It will basically help you assure yourself that your pet will be in safe hands.