How it Works

Find the perfect sitter for your pup

An unplanned trip or a family vacation is leaving you worried about your pet? Not anymore! Find a loving, fun and caring sitter from our vast database as per your satisfaction. Sitters on WoofBnB are 100% trustworthy.

Review the sitter, make reservations and payment online

Review and select pet sitters on WoofBnB based on their profiles, customer reviews and house checks. Make a confirmed booking online. You don’t need cash, as all online bookings are covered by complimentary pet insurance and emergency support.

Your precious paws is happy with delight!

Leave your pets with the sitter without a hint of hesitation. Pleasant walks, comfortable stay, 24/7 attention, mouth watering food topped with oodles of love and care will leave your pooch happy and springing with delight. 100% money back guarantee, against any inconvenience faced at the sitter are additional perks for you.